One day at a time

Every day, in this section you can find a thought, an inspiration, a reflection, a luminous insight of wisdom to help you read the signs of the times, the daily events and situations of this historical period in a brighter and more intelligent way.

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Did Satan, tempting Jesus, make an attempt on him? Absolutely not. Satan can do nothing against Jesus. The world system that eventually will day is Satan’s. Infinite life belongs to Jesus. When, in order to help humanity, Jesus, the infinite Life, wanted to enter the world system, which belongs to Satan, he had to bear a toll: being tempted by Satan. It was a mere boring question of territory.

Did Satan, tempting Jesus, make an attempt on him?
Absolutely not. Satan can do nothing against Jesus.
The world system that eventually will day is Satan’s.
Infinite life belongs to Jesus.
When, in order to help humanity, Jesus, the infinite Life,
wanted to enter the world system, which belongs to Satan,
he had to bear a toll: being tempted by Satan.
It was a mere boring question of territory.