Un día a la vez

En esta sección cada día es posible encontrar un pensamiento, una inspiración, una reflexión, un punto de luz y de sabiduría para poder leer de forma más luminosa e inteligente los signos de los tiempos, las situaciones, lo cotidiano en este período histórico.

El contenido de esta sección, publicado a las 00:00, puede ser leído en línea y descargado como imagen hasta las 24:00 (Hora de Europa Central).

Did Satan, tempting Jesus, make an attempt on him? Absolutely not. Satan can do nothing against Jesus. The world system that eventually will day is Satan’s. Infinite life belongs to Jesus. When, in order to help humanity, Jesus, the infinite Life, wanted to enter the world system, which belongs to Satan, he had to bear a toll: being tempted by Satan. It was a mere boring question of territory.

Did Satan, tempting Jesus, make an attempt on him?
Absolutely not. Satan can do nothing against Jesus.
The world system that eventually will day is Satan’s.
Infinite life belongs to Jesus.
When, in order to help humanity, Jesus, the infinite Life,
wanted to enter the world system, which belongs to Satan,
he had to bear a toll: being tempted by Satan.
It was a mere boring question of territory.

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